Thursday, June 22, 2017

my famliy peom

this is what me and my famliy are like

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

my cool little star

21 Jun 2017 10:49:40.jpg
Today in class we made stars mrs bartlett help me. This lade come in and tell us a matariki story. Emmanuella made a star too so go see her blog to see her one.⭐

22 Jun 2017 09:29:09.jpg
22 Jun 2017 09:37:26.jpg

Monday, June 19, 2017

Robot Movie

Elideen and me make a cool little maze for this car I coded it and Elideen made the maze. we tired about 5 times to get it. it is fun to cod. it is not perfect but made a good jod.