As we inspected the mud flats, we stumbled upon a broken pot plant that had jelly fish poo on it, or was it jelly fish?
Snap! Snap! “Ahhhh! That stupid crab. Oooo, I can use this seaweed to pick up the crab,” I whisper to myself. As I look across at my friend Emmanuella, I notice that her brown wavy hair is blowing in the breeze. While I hold the crab in my hand, I start to wonder what it might be like to be a crab myself. ”Oooo, that is so cool that you have two hands full of crabs” I shouted in excitement at Emmnauella’s dad.
Squish! Squelch! I feel the horrible mud as it squishes between my toes. “Ooooo, I’m going to need a shower after this.” As I take my next step, I suddenly realise my shoe has gone. “Ahhh, my shoe is stuck in the mud,” I yell at Emmanuella. As we both turned and ran towards the shore, we slipped over and did a face plant into the mud. We both laughed. Now we were mud monsters, and I don’t think we were the only ones.
“Come on, jump in the pond and get squeaky clean,” Miss Pedersen shouted. We all ran over to the pond and had a salt water bath, but we couldn’t go far because we did not have a soaked dark yellow life jacket on.The water is freezing I can't feel my toes to my waist but my tame is ok because I have a wet soned on. I make the most of having a swim and I wasn’t feeling scared of the jellyfish in the pond.